
First edition is out now!    More details . . .  |

Message from the Editor

We are happy to launch the first edition of The Spring Chronicle, a quarterly online magazine for scholarly and popular articles for the learned audience. This initiative is part of ‘S & S Knowledge Partners’, an edu-tech firm aimed at promoting and sharing specialized knowledge topics in Science, Technology, Engineering, Humanities and Mathematics. We’re of the view that there is a need for a platform for the expression and sharing of views, perspectives, opinions and analysis by experts on contemporary and historical topics for the benefit of the audience.

We’re indeed thankful to Prof. Pramod Gai, the former Vice-Chancellor of Karnatak University and the current Director of Karnataka Institute for DNA Research and his co-author Dr.Suyamindra Kulkarni, Acting Vice-Chancellor of Raichur University, Prof.P.M.PatilFNASc, FKSTA, KLE Tech University, Prof. B.A.Kagali, Professor (Retd) of Banaglore University and President of Karnataka Physics Association and Prof.B.H.Nagoor of Karnatak University with co-author Mr.Prasanna Surathkal who have kindly contributed articles to this first edition of 2025. We appreciate their encouragement to us.

I take this opportunity to thank our Associate Editor Prof. Shivakumar Nyamathi and Prof. Jayashree Tonannavar for their support, and in particular, Managing Editors Mrs. Soumya Nyamathi and Dr. Sanketh Tonannavar for hard work to make this online project possible.

We hope our prospective readers would enjoy reading articles. A Very Happy New Year 2025 to all!


Dr.Jagdish Tonannavar, Fellow, KSTA

Group Editor

Latest Articles: February, 2025